
6 Essential Podcast Episodes on the Upcoming UN Plastics Treaty and What It Needs to Succeed
Thankfully, the finalization of another worldwide environmental treaty is quickly approaching. In 2022, the United Nations Environmental Program set a mandate for member parties to agree upon a global Treaty on Plastics Pollution. The 5th and supposed final round of negotiations is taking place in Busan, South Korea this November and December.
While there are many forms of pollution that must be addressed, this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to tackle the pervasiveness of plastics and science must be at the forefront of decision making.
Over the last 9 months, I have been talking to scientists from around the world about how plastics exist on this planet. Many of them belong to the Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty and have been submitting their research to be considered in the treaty-making process. Some of them even attend negotiations themselves. I have compiled all of what I have learned in Plastic Podcast - a Pine Forest Media production and limited series podcast with 28 episodes for you to stream wherever podcasts can be found.

I am not queer and a science communicator. I am a queer science communicator.
First of all,
Happy Pride 🏳️🌈
If you care about gay people you will read this.
A few weeks ago I applied for a grant for queer business owners. To start off this pride month, I’d like to share a couple of reflections from my experience applying for this grant.

Q&A with Something in the Water host, Elena Berg
🌊 Dive into the halfway point of 'Something in the Water' with an exclusive Q&A with host Elena Berg! Learn about her journey as a water sommelier, the insights on the bottled water industry, and her favorite moments from producing this enlightening series. 🎧

Introducing South Pole
We are excited to unveil South Pole, the latest addition to the Pine Forest Media podcast network. Premiering on June 4th, this weekly series offers an immersive journey into the heart of Antarctica, blending breathtaking landscapes with compelling scientific exploration.

Plastic Artwork from Plastic Podcast Episode 3
Images and Artists discussed in Episode 3 of Plastic Podcast - Plastic Art: History and Activism

Introducing Something in the Water
Pine Forest Media’s debut docu-series, Something in the Water is now available for download wherever you get your podcasts.

5 Unhinged Lessons in Starting a Business
This business is also brand new! I love how supportive you're being already just by reading this and sharing it with everyone you know. Anyways, starting a business isn’t the easiest thing to do, so I am sharing 5 lessons that I’m still learning through this process.

Further Reading on Zero Waste Cities
In the third episode of Plastic Podcast, What is a Zero Waste City? I spoke with Jack McQuibban from Zero Waste Europe all about how urban centers across the European continent are taking steps to reduce their waste. In the interview, Jack told me that there are zero waste city initiatives all over the world so I got a little curious. Below I have pasted some links to further information about these global efforts.

Plastic Podcast Coming Soon
To answer all of the questions I have about plastic, I to talk to a number of scientists to learn the latest on the usual suspects - straws and turtles, ocean garbage patches, and of course, climate change. But I also to go beyond what we see in the news all the time.

The Pine Forest Media Adventure Begins
The final step to the scientific method is the presentation of results. This is where we start. Often the scientific field can seem jargon-heavy and complex. There’s a gap that we aim to close between scientific research and public awareness. Our mission is to bring science to the internet through accessible, creative, and critical podcast journalism, making complex topics approachable for a broad audience.